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Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Faces that u love. Muahaha.

Picture of the day

Some other familar faces.

@2:44 pm

Friday, 26 October 2007

Bdae Present from my fellow project mates.

A present from my project mates: A pink bear box. haha.

Inside the box was some cookies and a card: Err.. i was being forced to eat the hidden wasabi cookie. it tasted horrible.. eeewww.

View of box and card

Message on the box. It reads
"To: Jansen
From: Kaka, Kiki & Kuku"

Looking at the words inside the card

@9:49 am

Monday, 22 October 2007

Feminists Have More Fun

Feminists Have More Fun
By Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience Staff Writer

posted: 17 October 2007 08:00 am ET

Share this story
Email Feminism boosts sexual satisfaction for both men and women, a new study suggests.

Busting stereotypes that peg feminists as men-haters, a new study shows that having a feminist partner is linked with healthier, more romantic heterosexual relationships.

The study, published online this week in the journal Sex Roles, relied on surveys of both college students and older adults, finding that women with egalitarian attitudes do find mates and men do find them attractive. In fact, results reveal they are having a good time, maybe a better time than the non-feminists.

Both men and women are prone to holding negative views of feminists, the authors say. Along with the sexually unattractive stereotype, some women also view feminism as a movement for victims, or for women who aren't competent enough to achieve success on their own merit, according to the Rutgers University researchers.

Psychologists Laurie Rudman and Julie Phelan carried out a laboratory survey of 242 Rutgers undergraduates and conducted an online survey of 289 older adults who had an average age of 26 and typically had been in their current relationship about four years.

Older adults have more life experience "and thus may be more likely to show an incompatibility between feminism and romantic relationships," Rudman and Phelan write. While younger females likely grew up with the attitude that "women can have it all," the researchers note older women may have come of age in the era following U.S. women's suffrage (1919) or during the women's movement that emerged in the 1960s.

The researchers looked at people's perception of their own feminism, their partner's feminism and whether they had positive views of feminists and career women. Other survey measures included overall relationship quality, agreement about gender equality, relationship stability and sexual satisfaction.

For example, relationship quality was measured with questions such as: How often do you and your partner laugh together? And how often do you and your partner quarrel? For stability measures, participants answered how often they considered terminating the relationship, as well as how often they thought their romantic relationship had a good future.

Among the findings:

College-age women who reported having feminist male partners also reported higher quality relationships that were more stable than couples involving non-feminist male partners.
College guys who were themselves feminists and had feminist partners reported more equality in their relationships.
Older women who perceived their male partners as feminists reported greater relationship health and sexual satisfaction.
Older men with feminist partners said they had more stable relationships and greater sexual satisfaction.
Overall, feminism and romance do go hand in hand, the scientists say.

While they aren't sure how feminism works to enhance relationship health, the researchers have some ideas. Feminist men might be more supportive of their female partner's ambitions than are traditionalists. Men with feminist partners may enjoy the extra breadwinner to share the economic burden of maintaining a household.


@11:49 am

Why Males Die Before Females

Why Males Die Before Females
By Charles Q. Choi, Special to LiveScience

posted: 16 October 2007 09:46 pm ET

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Email In humans and many other animals, males age faster and die earlier than females.
New research suggests this might happen because of intense competition over sex.
Scientists compared monogamous species with polygynous species, in which each male mates with many females. Males in monogamous species, such as the barnacle goose or the dwarf mongoose, naturally compete less over females than ones in polygynous species, such as the red-winged blackbird or the savannah baboon.
After investigating about 20 different vertebrate species, researchers Tim Clutton-Brock and Kavita Isvaran at the University of Cambridge in England found the more polygynous a species was, the more likely their males were to age faster and die earlier than females.
The researchers explained that as competition among males for sex grows more intense, each male on average has less time to breed. As such, there is no strong incentive to evolve longevity among males in such species.
Since men age faster and die earlier than women, these findings suggest that "at the time when current human physiology evolved, perhaps around the late Stone Age, polygynous breeding was the norm," Clutton-Brock told LiveScience. "Of course, this doesn't provide any justification for polygyny or promiscuity now for males."
Clutton-Brock and Isvaran detailed their findings online Oct. 17 in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.


@11:40 am

For a Start

News articles are important as they are informative and very useful to us. For a start, i shall post some interesting news.

@11:03 am

Forgot the past and thrive towards the future
October 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 September 2008

I've never been perfect, But neither have you
// About Me //

Ng Jan Sen
19+ (20 this coming Oct)
24 Oct 1988

// Education //

Ngee Ann Polytechnic (School of Info-comm Technology)
Swiss Cottage Secondary School
Yuhua Primary School

// Hobbies //

Collecting Coca Cola

// Likes //

Bright colours (Orange, Green, White)
Movies (Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure)

// Dislikes //


// Passion //

Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Doing Community Service
Free-lance Outdoor Photography
Media & Technology
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